Order your copy of the 2024 survey and pre-pay for the 2025 survey. Once you place your order, the 2024 survey report will be emailed to you as a PDF file within 24 hours.

If you've already acquired the 2024 survey report, select "Prepay for the 2025 Survey Report" link in the payment window on the right to prepay at the lowest price that will be offered, participate in the 2025 survey and receive your copy of the survey report when it is published in April.

Take Advantage of the 2-for-1 Offer:

794 nonprofit organizations, reporting on more than 45,000 jobs, participated in the 2024 survey, making it among the largest and most comprehensive in the survey's 46-year history! Here's how your organization can now benefit from what we consider to be the best survey of its kind:

  • Current, local compensation data on more than 250 jobs often found in nonprofit organizations throughout Northern California, including the metropolitan areas of the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento
  • Base pay levels and bonus/incentive pay for each job with details by annual operating budget, location within Northern California, number of employees and primary field of service
  • Employee benefits in detail: paid time off, insurance, retirement
  • Salary increases over the past year and expected during the next year
  • Policies with respect to on-call work, overtime, shift differentials, pay for bilingual skills, introductory periods, performance reviews, DEI practices and more.

The survey also helps your agency find out how the local nonprofit community is coping with current economic conditions. Here are some questions the survey can help nonprofit managers answer:

  • For what kinds of jobs are nonprofits having difficulty hiring and retaining employees?
  • Are nonprofit employees working remotely, in person, or a combination of both?
  • A tight labor market, high costs, and pandemic-related impacts to the workplace present challenges for nonprofit employers who manage their organizations’ compensation and benefits policies.

And if that's not enough incentive for you, consider this:

On the IRS Form 990, the IRS has standardized reporting to make comparing salaries easier and requires charities to provide information about the process they use to set the salaries of employees who receive $150,000 or more in total compensation.

The survey will help you navigate through this process and will be a primary tool to help you document the rationale you use to set the salaries you pay your executives.

Conducting your organization's own compensation and benefits survey to satisfy IRS requirements could cost you a small fortune. A much better alternative is to acquire Fair Pay for Northern California Nonprofits: The 2024 Compensation & Benefits Survey Report for a fraction of this amount.

So Here Is the 2-for-1 Offer:

For a limited time (through February 14, 2025), your organization can purchase the 2024 survey report for 50% off, if at the same time you agree to participate in the 2025 survey and pay the prepaying survey participant price. Note: Organizations who sign up for this offer but do not participate in the 2025 survey will be required pay the full non-participant price for the report.

Your Organization's
Annual Expenses
Prepaying 2025
2024 Non-Participant
Price at 50% off
Total Cost
Less than $1,000,000 $90 $135 $225
$1 – $5 million $140 $210 $350
More than $5 million $190 $285 $475

Individuals and businesses that are not nonprofit organizations can purchase the survey report for $795.

Take advantage of this 2-for-1 offer (which expires on February 14, 2025) and your organization will have the most current data until 2025.

Click here to download an order form if you prefer to pay by check.

Nonprofit Compensation Associates
P.O. Box 10737
Oakland, CA 94610
Phone: (510) 645-1005
Email: survey@nonprofitcomp.com

Single-Use License Agreement & Disclaimer: By your purchase and login, you agree that you are purchasing a license to use the Compensation & Benefits Survey Report solely for internal use within your organization.

By your purchase and login, you agree to maintain the confidentiality of the Compensation & Benefits Survey Report received and also agree NOT to copy or distribute the Compensation & Benefits Survey Report outside of your organization.